Forget Something? Get This App

Ever begin a weeklong hotel stay by discovering that you’ve packed just three pairs of sox? Worse, have you ever reached for your cell phone–or passport–in an airport, only to realize it’s on your desk back home? If these scenarios sound familiar, you’re a candidate for Packing Pro, an iPhone and iPad app that allows you to create, combine, edit, copy and e-mail just about any sort of packing checklist you can imagine.

The app comes with a master list of more than 800 common items–not only things to pack but also things to do before and after a trip, such as buy tickets, recharge batteries and submit expense-reimbursement forms. There are also customizable sample lists for men, women, couples, families, business trips, camping trips and more, and you can group and sort items in a variety of ways. You can also assign notes to each item and even record their values for insurance purposes.

In short, this app offers the best way we’ve found to assure that you’ll never again depart on a trip without something you meant to bring. All you have to do is remember to use it.