Millennials are hopeful that flying will become easier and cleaner in years to come, according to a new EBAA survey. The generation also expects business aviation to become much more accessible through ride-sharing companies such as Surf Air. (Photo: Surf Air)

Millennials See Bizav Becoming Cleaner, More Accessible

Millennials’ views on business aviation are closely linked to concerns about the environment, according to a study by EBAA and ThinkYoung.

Millennials expect flying to become easier and cleaner in the years to come, with business aviation becoming much more accessible for the next generation of users, according to a newly released study by the European Business Aviation Association and ThinkYoung. The survey, “Expanding Horizons: How Millennials see the Future of Business Aviation,” queried people between the ages of 18 and 25 in four key European countries—Germany, France, the UK, and Switzerland—about mobility, business aviation, and the future of sustainable personal air transport.

Millennials’ views on transport are closely linked to concerns about the environment, the survey notes, with 40 percent saying climate change is the main trend that will have the biggest effect on the development of sustainable personal air transport. This was followed by artificial intelligence and digitalization.

The generation positively views business aviation for the freedom and flexibility that it offers. In fact, 62 percent of respondents believe the main benefit of business aviation is its ability to take people where they need to go, when they need to go there.

Business aircraft ride-sharing options appeal to millennials. According to the survey, 60 percent of Millennials are ready to use ride-sharing air services, but only 46 percent are ready to use automated ride-sharing air services.

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“The findings show that Millennials have an inherent commitment to our planet, technological advancement, and equal opportunities," according to the EBAA. "They see future mobility as an efficient, environmentally friendly whole. They recognize the potential for business aviation to drive technological change in the wider aviation sector. And they can see its increasing accessibility and democratization.”