Jennifer English
Jennifer English

Up Front: 2013 Buyers' Guide

Welcome to our sixth annual Buyers’ Guide.

Welcome to our sixth annual Buyers’ Guide. This special edition of BJT contains the updated and valuable information you need to be a smarter, more efficient business jet traveler. Below you’ll find just a few of the questions that we address in these pages.

• Which American FBO earned the highest marks for line service and passenger amenities? (see 'The World's Top Rated FBOs')

• Is it possible to find a Hermès-designed helicopter interior? (see 'Cabin Chic')

• Can I order White Manna Slider burgers for my flight to London? (see 'Business Aviation Caterers')

• Where can I find a reputable center to update the interior of my Global Express and simultaneously get it inspected? (see 'Completions and Refurbishments')

• How can I buy an aircraft without making any major mistakes? (see 'How NOT to Buy a Business Jet')

• How can I be sure my pilot has the proper insurance? (see 'Patch the Holes in Your Aviation Insurance')

• What is the top-rated FBO in Europe? (see 'The World's Top Rated FBOs')

• Does a jet card make sense for my family? (see 'Charters? Jet Cards? Fractionals?')

• Do you have a list of insurance brokers to help our company get some quotes? (see 'Patch the Holes in Your Aviation Insurance')

• What is the next business jet in Cessna’s production pipeline? (see 'A Look at Tomorrow's Business Jets Today')

• Is there a way to predict the residual value of my aircraft? (see 'Residual Value')

• Does it make sense for me to finance my business jet? (see 'Should You Finance Your Aircraft Purchase?')

• How can I ensure that I will have Internet coverage mid-flight? (see 'Cabin Electronics Manufacturers')

• When will the Learjet 85 become available? (see 'A Look at Tomorrow's Business Jets Today')

Have a query that still needs an answer? Please email me at [email protected].

Jennifer English

P.S. Let your voice be heard! Please fill out our Readers’ Choice Survey to share your thoughts about private aviation. Manufacturers and service providers tell us that they pay close attention to the results of this annual poll. Completing it will take you less than 10 minutes at We’ll publish results in our October/November issue.