Praetor 500
Flexjet’s blockbuster $1.4 billion order for 64 Embraer aircraft makes the fractional ownership provider the fleet launch customer for the Praetor 500 with deliveries of the recently certified aircraft to begin next month. Flexjet further is converting Legacy 450s into Praetor 500s. (Photo: Barry Ambrose)

Embraer Hits Jackpot with $1.4B Flexjet Order

Fractional provider Flexjet placed a $1.4 billion firm order for 64 Embraer Phenom 300Es and Praetor 500/600s.

Fractional provider Flexjet recently revealed a $1.4 billion firm order for 64 Embraer Phenom 300Es and Praetor 500/600s, making it the fleet launch customer for the latter. Praetor 500 deliveries to Flexjet will start next month. Under the deal, the Cleveland, Ohio-based operator will also convert its Legacy 450 fleet into Praetor 500s under an FAA-approved modification.

Pilot Report: Embraer Praetor 600

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Pilot Report: Embraer Praetor 600

A flight in Embraer's new Praetor 600 super midsize jet reveals a host of noteworthy features.

Delivery of the Praetors will mark the fourth time that Flexjet has introduced new Embraer aircraft to the fractional market. Previous introductions were the Legacy 600 in 2003, Phenom 300 in 2010, and Legacy 450 in 2016. Its current Embraer contingent includes Phenom 300s and Legacy 450s.

“The Legacy 450 is the mainstay of Flexjet’s midsize fleet,” Embraer Executive Jets president and CEO Michael Amalfitano told BJT. “It sells out shares in these twinjets every year.

In anticipation of this order, “Flexjet has been aggressive in recruiting pilots this year and recently met its 2019 goal of hiring 175 new pilots,” the fractional provider said.